Friday, May 1, 2009

The Boy in Room 9

Tonight is Alex's last night in the hospital - he is going home tomorrow. As he was studying his French he met the boy from next door. He was also young - about Alex's age. His name was Paul Drevin. He was jealous that Alex was going home and that he would have to stay an extra day. Alex went to bed for the final time in the hospital but awoke after midnight and couldn't fall back to sleep. He decided to go for a walk. As he was on his walk toward the receptionist he saw 4 men enter the hospital. They wanted to visit Paul Drevin. The receptionist said that they would have to come back in the morning during visiting hours because it was almost 1AM. The men didn't want to hear this and pulled out a gun.

Who do you think these men were and why do they want to see Paul so badly?

Thursday, April 30, 2009

New Book - Ark Angel

Today we learned that Alex Rider did survive the shooting. We also learned about the new threat - "Force Three" - eco-warriors. They will do what ever it takes to protect the planet. We also know that Mr. Webber spoke at a conference today and mentioned how dangerous "Force Three" was. He did this to make $250,000. After he spoke on the phone - it exploded.

Who do you think made the phone explode?
Why did they do it? - Mr. Webber was only do what the asked him to

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Chapter 18 - High Resolution

Mrs. Rothman found out what was different about Alex - she made him take his retainer out of his mouth and smashed it. Just after she smashed it their was an explosion - MI6 had finally arrived. The smoke allowed Alex to get away from Nile and he climbed onto one of the ropes of the hot-air balloon. He was determined to stop it from reaching 1000 feet.

Do you think that Alex will be successful in stopping the balloon from reaching 1000 feet and activating the satellites?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Chapter 17 - The Church of Forgotten Saints

Alex was finally reunited with Julia Rothman and Nile. He was searched to see if he was carrying anything from his "capture" by MI6 - they found nothing, but Mrs. Rothman was still very suspicious. She and Nile took Alex to see "Invisible Sword" - it was located inside the Church of Forgotten Saints and Alex put all of the pieces together. "Invisible Sword" was invisible because no one would see it coming. Scorpia attached the satellites to hot-air balloons and they were going to be exactly 1000 feet in the air where they can send the signals to release the nanospheres. Alex signaled to MI6 of his whereabouts.

Do you think that MI6 will get to ALex in time or do you think that Alex will have to stop Scorpia by himself?

How do you think that Scorpia will be stopped?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Chapter 16 - Deadline

Today we learned that Alex has a lot riding on MI6 finding the satellites and being sure to remove them. (He was given a shot at Malagosto.) Alex worked with Mr. Blunt and Mrs. Jones to convince Scorpia that he was captured and escaped. Scorpia believes that Mrs. Jones is dead.

I really thought that the homing device in a retainer was a great idea.

After the fake car accident - Alex contacted Scorpia and they were sending someone to pick him up.

Do you think that Alex will convince Mrs. Rothman that he is still working with Scorpia? Do you think that Alex and MI6 will find the satellites in time?

I think that they will find the satellites in time because I think there is another book after this one in the series. I also think that it isn't going to be easy...what complications do you think that Alex and MI6 will have to face?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Chpater 15 - Remote Control

MI6 brings Alex Rider into their COBRA meeting and with his help they uncover what "Invisible Sword" is.

"Invisible Sword" is a way for Scorpia to kill many people with a remote control. Scorpia injects a poison coated with gold into a person. The injection goes to the heart and stays there until it is "told" to open up by a certain electronic charge.

Now that MI6 knows this information how are they going to stop Scorpia from using "invisible Sword" and killing thousands to hundreds of thousands of kids?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Why do you think that Mrs. Jones made the call to have Alex's Dad killed?

Do you think that Alex will go through with his task and assassin Mrs. Jones? Why or Why Not.

Monday, April 6, 2009


No update today due to Report Cards. We will pick up where we left off tomorrow.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Chapter 12 - "Dear Prime Minister" - Part 2

Today the officials in London found out that Scorpia was telling the truth. Everything they said came true.
1. The flight was delayed and landed when it was supposed to.
2. The soccer team was on that flight.
3. At 2:15 the members of the soccer team fell over and died.

We sill don;t know what "Invisible Sword" is but we know that it is deadly.

Alex Rider returned to Italy on a fake passport using the name Federico Casali.

What do you think Alex is up to?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Chapter 12 - "Dear Prime Minister" - Part 1

A man from Scorpia delivered an enveolpe in London to the Prime Minister. In the letter they made 4 demands.
1. American must withfrow their troops.
2. Americans must destroy their nuclear weapons.
3. Must pay 1 Billion dollars.
4. The presidnet of the US must resign (quit).

The letter said that the reason all the demands were made upon the US was that Britain was their "Best Friend" and they wanted to see if the US was a loyal as Britian.

If the US didn't follow these demands than they would release Invisible Sword and 1000's - 100,000's of school children will die.

I am still unclear as to what Invisible Sword is... What are your thought?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Chapter 11 - The Bell Tower - Part 2

Alex goes up to the Bell Tower to think. He thinks of all of his lessons and compares them to school. He goes to classes like his other school but in these classes he learns about assassination and the "Art of Killing".

He meets with Professor D'Arc and he is given his first mission - to assassinate Mrs. Jones from MI6. Scorpia thinks that he will succeed because he has motivation and anger towards her.

How do you think that Alex will assassinate Mrs. Jones?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chapter 11 - The Bell Tower - Part 1

Alex met with the psychiatrist Dr. Steiner for some tests. After these test Dr. Steiner believes that Alex is no use to Scorpia. He drew his conclusions on these facts:

1. He didn't see the same images on the "spot" test. He was supposed to see a man lying in a pool of blood and he saw a man flying, and the second image was of a man holding a gun to someones head and Alex said it looked like a man blowing up a soccer ball.
2. His firing accuracy went down when he had to shoot at paper targets of people. He was at 72% when he was shooting at bull's eye targets and he went down to 46% when the targets resembled real people.

Mrs. Rothman doesn't agree. She wants to send Alex to participate in Invisible Sword.

What do you think the mission - Invisible Sword is about?

Monday, March 30, 2009

How to Kill - Chapter 10

Remeber that Alex has decided to join Scorpia because he wants revenge against MI6 for the assassination of his father. Alex is brought to the island of Malagosto, where Scorpia does their training. He meets some of his teachers and will meet with the doctor for a full examination. Scorpia wants to be sure that he is fit to be one of them. In the mean-time, MI6 finds out that Alex has joined Scorpia. They found out from a satellite photograph. Mrs. Jones and Mr. Blunt our on the alert and they are alerting all agents in the area - they want Alex brought to them unharmed.

Do you think that MI6 will capture Alex? and if you do - How will they capture him?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Alex's Father

How and why do you think that Alex's father died?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


What do you think Consanto was all about?

Why do you think that Mrs. Rothman is so interested in meeting Alex Rider and why is she spending all of her money on him?

I think that she is throwing all of this money at him because she wants him to help her in some way...I'm just not sure what she wants him to do yet.

Friday, March 20, 2009


1. Why do you think that there are eggs in Consanto?
2. Do you think they are real eggs?
3. Why do you think that everyone is dressed in blue protective suits?

Thursday, March 19, 2009


How do you think that Alex is going to get into Consanto? What do you think that he will find when he gets in?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Tiger

Of course, Alex will survive the tiger or the book would be over in chapter 4 - So how is he going to defeat the tiger?

Monday, March 16, 2009


How do you think that Alex will get into the party? If you think he dress for the costume party - What will his costume be?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What would you do?

If you were Alex Rider, how would you have rescued the woman's purse from the bag thieves?

Monday, March 9, 2009

New Book

We started a new book, Scorpia, by Anthony Horowitz. After reading the first chapter, I think that it definitely going to be action packed. Does the book remind you of anything - another book or a movie?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Best Part

What did you like best about Flush and why?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Who did it?

If Paine didn't burn down the boat, who do you think did and why?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Cops

Why do you think that the cops are going to arrest Mr. Paine - Noah's Dad? What do you think all of the sirens were for at 4:20am? Do you think that the two situations are connected?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Grandpa Bobby

Interesting... I don't know how I would feel if I just found out that over the last 6 years or so, my Grandpa was in hiding. How would you feel if you found out that your grandfather was smuggling emeralds in South America? What would you say to him?

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Do you think that Noah and Abbey are going to get rescued? If you do, who is going to rescue them?

If you were Abbey and Noah's parents, how would you feel if you came home and your children were missing? Would you punish them when you found out that they were OK?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

In the bathroom

Noah has been locked in the ladies room flushing fuchsia dye down the toilet. The old woman is getting mad because "She has to go now!" Do you think that Noah will get out safely? Why or why not?

Monday, February 9, 2009


Good Afternnon!

I've decided to move the read-aloud section of our blog. I wanted our blog to be about lots of things that we are learning about not just about the books we are reading. I hope that you like it!

I will begin tomorrow with a new post about our book "Flush"