Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chapter 11 - The Bell Tower - Part 1

Alex met with the psychiatrist Dr. Steiner for some tests. After these test Dr. Steiner believes that Alex is no use to Scorpia. He drew his conclusions on these facts:

1. He didn't see the same images on the "spot" test. He was supposed to see a man lying in a pool of blood and he saw a man flying, and the second image was of a man holding a gun to someones head and Alex said it looked like a man blowing up a soccer ball.
2. His firing accuracy went down when he had to shoot at paper targets of people. He was at 72% when he was shooting at bull's eye targets and he went down to 46% when the targets resembled real people.

Mrs. Rothman doesn't agree. She wants to send Alex to participate in Invisible Sword.

What do you think the mission - Invisible Sword is about?


  1. PaulinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMarch 31, 2009 at 4:01 PM

    i think invisible sword will be killing some people so alex will be forced to kill because hes a target of real people and not cardboard cut outs.

  2. plan kills 1000000 kids alex kills ms.jns cus he hates her bang gets confidence and#1 assasin alex rider

  3. sorry that last one was me mmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiccccccchhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeellllllllllllll
